7 deliciosos superfoods latinos que mejorarán tu salud

Por Kiwilimón - July 2016
Resulta que algunos de los mejores ingredientes que puedes comer para mejorar tu salud están a la vuelta de la esquina, o bueno, al menos en el continente. Estos ingredientes latinos no le piden nada a ningún alga japonesa o raíz nórdica, al revés, son envidiados a través del mundo por sus propiedades saludables. Hoy te contamos sobre 7 productos que puedes encontrar en súper mercados latinoamericanos que mejorarán tu salud y la de tu familia. Lucuma Digamos que es un primo lejano del mamey (Perú, Chile, Ecuador), también es dulce y de color intenso, pero las buenas noticias no acaban ahí. Además tiene propiedades antiinflamatorias y estudios han demostrado que ayuda a reparar piel dañada o cansada.

Get me a boat in the #Greek #blues #cantaloupe boat with #apricot #nicecream 🍌 10 #almonds #chia #baobab #lucuma #superfood #healthy #breakfast

Una foto publicada por The Littliest Not The Least (@vandaki) el 29 de Jun de 2016 a la(s) 10:48 PDT

Sacha Inchi Se le conoce como el cacahuate inca, pues crece en las praderas de Perú. Es muy especial pues tiene un alto contenido de vitamina C que ayuda con enfermedades respiratorias y además, esta empaquetada de Omega 3, lo cual ayuda a bajar el colesterol y prevenir infartos. #sachainchi #vegafood #peruvianfood #sintantapendejada #oamfood #instagood Una foto publicada por Renzuc Jimenez (@renzucjimenez) el 17 de Jun de 2016 a la(s) 10:56 PDT Maca Sus efectos revitalizantes han hecho que le comparen con el ginseng e incluso con el viagra. Este ingrediente repleto de proteínas también está lleno de aminoácidos beneficiosos para el cuerpo.

When you really can't be bothered to make dinner then protein nana nice-cream it has to be, this took me 5 mins to whip up & feels like a delicious treat🍦 Ingredients for my nana nice-cream👇🏻 1 organic frozen banana 1 packet of @lovetasteco broccoli & the beast smoothie mix 200ml of @plenishcleanse organic almond milk 1 scoop of @musclefooduk vanilla grass fed whey Blend all the ingredients together in a high speed blender (I used my @vitamix) then top with pomegranate, @punchfoods maca caramel superseeds & a drizzle of @pipandnut almond butter👌🏻 #dinner #banana #nicecream #almondmilk #fruit #maca #superseeds #almondbutter #food #foodblogger #foodporn #fitgirl #fitness #absaremadeinthekitchen #cleaneating #eatcleantraindirty #eatclean #eatrealfood #girlswholift #weight #training #workout #running #paleo #primal #lifeafterwhole30 #glutenfree #inspiration #motivation

Una foto publicada por Nicky🇬🇧 (@nutritious_nicky) el 30 de Jun de 2016 a la(s) 12:29 PDT

Camu Camu No es broma, esta fruta indígena de Perú, Colombia y Venezuela tiene 6º veces mñas la cantidad de vitamina C que una naranja regular. Esto quiere decir que en invierno no está de más tener un par de camu camus para alejar los resfriados. Desayuno para la belleza. Leche de coco, #hemprawfoodie, #acai, #camucamu y #mangosteen en #smoothie con moras, moraazul, hojuelas de coco y granola sin gluten. Prueba estos #superfoods llenos de #antioxidantes en www.rawfoodie.com @rawfoodiemx . Beauty breakfast #antioxidants #smoothie with #berries #glutenfree #granola. #bestever #nextlevelnutrition #homemade Una foto publicada por Kari Velasco (@karivelasco) el 1 de May de 2016 a la(s) 10:25 PDT Polvo de Cacao Puedes encontrarlo en Brasil, pero también en Guatemala y aquí mismo en México. El puro cacao tiene propiedades antioxidantes, pero cuando lo muelen con pimienta y otras hiervas también obtiene cualidades energizantes.

These are RAW cacao beans, (not to be confused with coco or chocolate🍫) and have been eating them for 6+ years....but MAKE SURE IT'S #RAW! . ⚫️What is it? Cacao beans are roasted and ground to produce cocoa and, after further processing, are the basis of chocolate. When the beans are dried at low temperature, however, they are called #RAWcacao beans, which can be consumed whole, broken into pieces called nibs or ground to produce raw cocoa powder. . 🔴Antioxidants Unlike processed dark chocolate, antioxidants are preserved in raw cacao. Researchers compared the antioxidant capacity of black tea, green tea, red wine and cocoa, concluding that cocoa has the highest antioxidant activity among the four products and the greatest potential for health benefits. In addition to removing free radicals, antioxidants also help decrease inflammation that can contribute to arthritis and other diseases. . 🔵The world's oldest human being to have ever lived (that was officially documented) was Jeanne Louise Calment of France. She lived to be 122 and many say that one of her secrets to longevity was her consumption of 2.5 pounds of bitter dark chocolate a week. The third "official" oldest person ever to have lived was Sarah Knauss, who also regularly enjoyed the health benefits of chocolate, although not in as large quantities as Jeanne! @lilsipper😘✌🏼️ . Health food stores carry the whole bean (whole foods, sprouts, iHerb, Amazon, etc) .

Una foto publicada por Owner Of @lilsipper (@sipperfacts) el 29 de Jun de 2016 a la(s) 4:53 PDT

Chía Ésta no es ninguna novedad, la chía ha estado cada vez más presente en los menús de las casas mexicanas y no es para menos. No sólo contiene grandes cantidades de Omega 3, sino que al comerlas se expanden en el estómago y crean una sensación de satisfacción que te hará comer menos. Hi everyone!🙋🏻 I'm loving this chia pudding parfait today. Delicious fresh fruit enveloped in a velvety vanilla chia pudding. . Chia seeds are one of healthiest foods, known for their ability to provide sustainable energy. Did you know "chia” is the ancient Mayan word for “strength”?! 💪🏻😎 And don’t be fooled by their size --- these tiny little seeds are packed with a powerful nutritional punch (1 ounce serving contains 11 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, omega-3s, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and so much more). . How do I make my #chiapudding? Here's my detailed recipe! You'll need: 🔹 1 cup of milk (coconut, almond, whatever you prefer). I made this using @califiafarms vanilla #almondmilk 🔹 3 tbsp of @nutiva organic #chiaseeds. You can use 4 tbsp as well to make it thicker -- play around with it so you can find your preference 🔹 fresh #fruits -- I used #mango, #plums, #apples, #blackberries, #banana . To make: 🔹Mix milk and chia seeds in a glass container (one you have a lid for). I love using mason jars to make my chia pudding. 🔹 Shake, shake, shake the jar now (after making sure it's been securely tightened). 🔹 Let it sit for a few minutes. 🔹Shake, shake, shake again. You guys, this is the most important step because if you don't, you're going to end up with clumps of chia seeds. And you don't want that. 🔹 Let it sit for a few more minutes and shake it a third time. The #chia seeds are plumping as they start to absorb the liquid so you want to shake it a few times to prevent them from sticking to each other. 🔹 Refrigerate for a minimum of 30 minutes. Or if you're prepping the night before, let it sit overnight in tote refrigerator. 🔹 That's it! When you're ready to eat, enjoy straight from the jar or pour into a bowl. Top with fruits and nuts or layer them in like messy parfait as I did here. . #realandvibrant #feedfeed @thefeedfeed Una foto publicada por Sapana | Real + Vibrant (@realandvibrant) el 30 de Jun de 2016 a la(s) 9:43 PDT Acai Como la chía, el acai va ganando terreno en el mundo. Se trata de una mora anti inflamatoria proveniente de Sudamérica, y contiene más antioxidantes por gramos que cualquier otra mora o fruto rojo en el mercado.

Buongiorno!! Stamattina come ogni mattina ultimamente ho messo nel frullatore: - 1 banana surgelata - mirtilli - ciliegie - albicocche - una tazzina di latte di cocco - 3 cucchiai di semi di chia per renderlo più denso - qualche mora di gelso per extra dolcezza Versato nella ciotola e aggiunto scaglie di cocco, scaglie di mandorle e muesli con biscottini al caramello (trovato in un supermercato in Trentino, marca sconosciuta). È una specie di #acaibowl che va tanto di moda ma senza #Acai 😂🙆 quando vedevo questa cosa nei video pensavo "abbbbbella, bevitela te 'sta sbobba", però adesso ne sono dipendente soprattutto col caldo! Fresca, leggera, piena di energie e cose che fanno bene! Adesso potete scatenarvi... "Sistiana ma che minchia mangiiii ma che è pure cibo questooooo mangiati una parmigiana di melanzane (a colazione) che ti passa la pauraaaaaa" hahahahahaha! Buona Giornata a dopo! 👋🏻❤️ #buongiorno #buonagiornata #colazione #breakfast #healthy #vegan #vegano #vegetarian #superfood #food #yummy #love #kitchen #habits #routine #morning #morningroutine

Una foto publicada por • S I S T I A N A • (@sistiana) el 30 de Jun de 2016 a la(s) 1:21 PDT

¡Para encontrar recetas ricas y saludables que utilicen algunos de los súper ingredientes que aquí te recomendamos te invitamos a nuestro sitio!